
Monday, April 2, 2018

Tangled Cobweb

Lots going on in this quilt from the mid-20th century.
The pattern is hard to figure out.

Here are the blocks but the sashing is just as important.

Here it is in BlockBase as a Sash & Block design
Both sashing and block are pieced.
It's 1072 & 1074. Why it has two numbers I cannot say.

Two names published in the early 1930s:
Tangled Cobwebs from Hubert Ver Mehren's Home Art catalogs
and Spider Web from Mrs Danner.

Hard to date....
One would assume the geese in sash and block are the same size.

These three, which might be a little older than the 1930s, are not quite the same.
 More going on in the star.

Chrome orange and green by Florence Garvey,
found in the Illinois Project.

And this Welsh example from Mary Jenkins's
Little Welsh Quilts blog is just a block.
No sash.

making it a variation of #3842 Spider Web
from the Kansas City Star in 1942

More blocks without sash.

And then there's this variation, a string quilt---very mysterious construction

An octagonal block with an octagon in the center
plus pieced sash?

Tangled indeed.

1 comment:

  1. The triangles in the vertical and horizontal strips of the geese in the block seem to be larger than the triangles in the diagonal strips in the block. The diagonal strips have to be longer than the vertical and horizontal strips, but probably just adding an additional flying geese block will not fit mathematically.

    The triangles in the "sashing" strips would be the same as those in the vertical and horizontal strips in the block (with a square on point added in the center).

    Wouldn't it be an odd mathematical coincidence if one more triangle of the same size as those used in the vertical and horizontal strips could be added to a vertical or horizontal strip and the resulting strip would actually fit perfectly in the diagonal position?

    At least I think that's right, I think I actually see smaller triangles in the diagonal strips in the quilts pictured. If I were drawing a pattern for that block. I wouldn't use mathematical calculations to figure out triangle sizes, I would draw and then cut out a diagonal strip on paper just as a bar, no triangles yet, and a paper horizontal or vertical strip likewise blank and I would determine the size of the two respective triangles by folding the paper strips into say 4 or 5 equal sized flying geese for the vertical strip and whatever number of folds worked out for the diagonal strip. Probably those triangles in the diagonal strip would come out slightly smaller but more of them would be needed than are needed in the vertical/horizontal strips.

    I think it might be fun to try to work out a decent looking pattern for this quilt just to see if I can do it.
