Jeanne Arnieri's ready to stitch Block #9, Star of the East,
the last in our Hospital Sketches BOM for 2019.
See the pattern here:
Worn version of a classic
Encyclopedia of Applique
The block was popular; it fills the square well and hasn't any difficult shapes.
Ladies's Art Company's Mexican Rose
The common name today is Mexican Rose because that's what the Ladies' Art Company called it when they started selling a pattern in the 1890s, but the block is older.
Esther Matthews named her block the Star of the East in
her 1858 Shenandoah Sampler quilt.
Aunt Martha published it as Columbine in 1933
Mexican Rose in The Farmer's Guide quilt booklet
from the Quilt Index
Quiltmakers filled the corners with many florals,
this one from the 1930s.
Quilt dated 1853 by Ann Laughinghouse in Pitt County,
documented in the North Carolina project.
Sampler attributed to North Carolina
Maybe 1800-1920
Extra Leaves
Looking for an applique border?
Collection of the Benton County Museum in Oregon
Star of the East by Mark Lauer
Read more about the Mexican Rose here:
Sampler with an unusual version of Block 9 at top right along with
variations of Whig Rose, Coxcombs & Currants, Pineapple and Mountain Laurel
Peggy Sandfort's version of #9
Here's one Wendy Caton Reed did for her Noah & Matilda reproduction quilt.